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Custom Playing Cards - Window Boxes

Custom Card Game Ultimatum

By Shari Spiro

One of the new custom card games printed by Ad Magic is called Ultimatum.  Inventor and game designer Matt Gingerich worked with us on this game for several months prior to printing and releasing it.  Unlike custom board games,  this game only comes with playing cards and yellow plastic chips – no board is required.

Ultimatum , according to its inventor, is based on the Ultimatum Game Theory.  In this theory,  one side makes a take-it-or-leave-it (also called fait accompli or ultimatum) offer, which the other side either accepts or rejcts. If they accept then the sides receive the agreed upon divisions. Otherwise, they both get nothing.

The game involves swapping, stealing, moving and negotiating the scoring chips between players to strategically take as many as you can before the round ends.  If you take them too soon you risk losing them.  If you waait too long you risk another player ending the round.

For 4-8 players, ages 8 and up.  A round can be played in about 15 minutes,  but you won’t want to stop!



Custom-playing-card-game Ultimatum is based on the Ultimatum Theory

Custom Game Cards - Ultimatum Game

Custom Game Cards – Ultimatum Game


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